Sunday, 7 October 2007

Why I complain here you are...

Twinkle twinkle unhappy stars... why I complain here you are...

Happiness is within us, say all the GURU.

But the fact is, our happiness depends upon others. If someone we love leaves us we are unhappy, if someone doesn't respond to our caring, we are unhappy, if someone tells us some rude words, we are unhappy, if someone is ungrateful, we are unhappy. Unhappiness, unhappiness, we search for you everywhere. And you are so easy to embrace!

But are we really unhappy because of others?

Imagine this: someone you love leaves you and you say you are unhappy because he/she left you. Sounds familier?

In reality though, you are unhappy because you felt hurt that how can he/she leave me? You feel hurt and unhappy because your ego and self-esteem went for a toss when your loved one left you. You felt inferior when they went away.
So, in reality are you unhappy because of yourself or others?

You are unhappy because of your own rejection of natural acceptance due to someone's action of not acceeding to your expectations of them, right? Or confused even further?

Lets take a simpler example: Do you know why does a wife weep when her husband is dead? She does not cry because she feels for the death and his pain while death overtook him but cries because she feels, "Now what would happen to me? How will I manage? How will I get all the comforts he brought in? Oh My God! I would have to work, earn, manage things and be insecure without anyone being around to take care of me." How true!

The fact is, we all are human beings, and humans by nature are self-centric (read: SELFISH). We think about I, me, myself. You know why we expect love from others? Because we love them. The day we get above this feeling of love and GAIN KNOWLEDGE of the real truth that we love only myself, I and me, we stop being dependent upon others. We finally realize that we don't love others but love our love for them.

But once we know... will we stop being unhappy?


We shall be even more unhappy and angry with ourselves.

So... dont worry, be happy.

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