Sunday, 30 September 2007

Proud to be Indian?!!!

We are Indians. We are proud to be Indians! After all, we have culture, values, parental respect and society that values the aged! We are God fearing Indians who donate millions for setting up temples or for etching own names on even a small marble plate in some community hall or some place of worship.

Scratch the surface of this donor & you would discover the same person who donated a fortune for a roof over God has rented out his 2nd flat to make more money but his 40 year old son stays in a single bedroom alloted to him by his earstwhile donor father, that too with his wife & teen-aged kids & he is accountable for every penny he spends on his wife & children to his father because as an Indian he respected the value of taking care of aged parents. This is not my pigmented figment of imagination, I really have a 40 year friend who leads such a life and his father has rented out another house and demands accountability for every rupee spent by him on his family. But we Indians are great! We live by values, doesn't matter however low that value is.

And we believe in God... What does God do to these people? Nothing... Just like the traffic police, if you are caught jumping a signal, you are subjected to a fine, God also sleeps when such people break the laws of humanity. We say, justice delayed is justice denied. What does God do? The same as Indian Law? If He decides to wake from His slumber to punish the tormentor, the tormentor will get punished, but you get punished every living moment of life, if you are the tormented.

Open the pages of any newspaper on any day and you would come across at least one news of honour killing. Some do it physically and brutally and get caught. Most do it silently, psychologically. Find any Indian parents whose children express wish to get married to someone genuinely good, BUT of their own choice, & parents overnight get transformed into 10 headed Ravans, with each of the brains in the 10 heads of Ravan starting to work synchronously towards separating the lovers. How many Indians have seen this happen in their friend's home, or their neighbour's, or their own!

How many proud pappas of obedient daughters should be hanged till death for gifting their daughters a life time of rape by getting them married to someone other than the one they wanted to marry? How many parents should be imprisoned for life because they imprisoned their children by deceiving them into separation from someone they loved? Most do not even come to know of the tricks played by their family. They use tactics of threat, the eternal ones being telling the young man to get lost from their homes, and the young woman witnessing father or mother sitting with a filling of cough syrup in a bottle of poison and threatening to commit suicide if she decided to not make her dreams commit suicide. Such are our values.

In my opinion, these people should be stripped of the very powers they vest, their homes, their financial powers, and also their very status as parents. Yes, we are Indians, of the 21st century. Proud Indians, with culture, with 330 million Gods, but not enough human.

1 comment:

  1. Kshitiz, thank you for writing about "honor" killings. It is nice to know there are like-minded people out there.

    Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
    "Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"
